The Chapbook Review

From Neil Aitken, editor:
The idea for the Chapbook Review has been kicking around for some time. As a struggling poet in Los Angeles, I kept thinking there should be some better way to market my chapbook. As I talked to other poets and built up a collection of their chapbooks, I was amazed at the diversity of work and appearance. Chapbooks ranging from 15 minute Kinko productions to painstakingly stitched or wire-bound ensembles. And, in one case, a poet-artist produced a series of poem-postcards, each illustrated with her own watercolor artwork.
So, in the spirit of community, the Chapbook Review seeks to present new and old chapbooks from all over. I will begin with the ones I own, but welcome any chapbooks you wish to send in for review. If you have chapbooks you love and want to write a review, I’d also love to hear from you. See the Submissions page for directions on sending your chapbook(s) or reviews. (Sorry, we can’t afford to purchase chapbooks at this time.)
If you like what you’ve read, be certain to contact the poet and let them know. Better yet, buy their chapbook .
So, send 'em your chaps & send 'em reviews. (& just a reminder, I'll also publish chapbook and micropress reviews here, or link to them when they are published elsewhere, just shoot me an email.)
The Chapbook Review has also been added to the resource links in the sidebar.
Hello, we at have recently completed a chapbook swap and are looking for places to do reviews. If you are interested, please email me back at
Unknown, at 12:04 PM
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