The DIY Demos are back

I moved servers about a month ago but neglected to refresh the location info for the photos in the DIY chapbook demos. I didn't realize people were still using these! (Thanks to everyone who emailed to let me know.)
So, they are now fixed, and are still accessible from the links in the sidebar or...
1. Making your mock book.
2. Layout, part 1. Setting up your layout document.
3. Layout, part 2. Placing your text.
4. Printing & photocopying
These step-by-step demos are all geared toward MSWord users. In Quark or InDesign, the process is essentially the same, except you'd be working with text boxes and "facing pages" in your layout document and possibly working with style sheets to format your text.
I've also gone back and added a "demos" tag so you can find them that way.
Happy chapbooking!
Labels: demos, technical trouble