Spudnik Press: Printmaking & book arts in Chicago

Spudnik Press is a comprehensive cooperative artist studio dedicated to encouraging new talent in fine art printmaking in an alternative art space. Open to all levels of printmakers, Spudnik Press provides common studio space capable of printing traditional as well as photographic litho, relief, and silkscreen prints. Additionally, Spudnik Press fosters a greater public awareness and understanding of prints and art-making in general by offering demonstrations, workshop, critiques, and gallery shows.
No site feed that I can find, so bookmark their site & check back frequently, or join their mailing list here.
And if you're in the area, catch the Poetry & Prints #2 Show, June 27:
An informal reading meets an informal print show
Saturday June 27, 2008 at 7:30 PM
Poetry and Prints #2 will feature the poetry of 3 east coast writers, each of whom is a small press editor/publisher, and all of whose presses remain important satellites of the small press community. Click here for more info about these three writers, Dana Ward, Jess Mynes, and Michael Carr.
Their work will be presented alongside a smattering of work printed at Spudnik Press during the first year of Spudnik Press’ existence.
Labels: book arts, printmaking, Spudnik