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DIY Poetry Publishing Cooperative

July 16, 2005

Stickers for Stephanie

Here are those Lungfull! stickers I mentioned. You could design something similar and print it on sticker paper. (I use these Avery Laser Label Full 8.5 x 11 sheets as mailing labels for large packages and also to sticker postcards with reading info.)

Any office supply store will have them. You could use any mailing labels (they also come in clear) but these are versatile because you cut them to whatever size you want and the stickers on the sheet don't all have to be the same.

Cool way to promote your zine. You could staple or just slip them in, customize them for theme issues, etc. (Probably couldn't do these on a photocopier, but a laser printer works beautifully. I can bring you some sample sheets if you wanna try it out.)

If ya wanna wheat-paste the old-fashioned way (tho it might be considered vandalism depending on where you do it!), here's a recipe.

July 15, 2005

Artistic aside: The making of a Spineless Book

Spineless Books (currently in Providence, RI, but in the process of moving) recently released The Fourier Series by Joshua Corey. Take a peek here to see how they painstakingly cut and folded the unique book jackets.

It's an absolutely beautiful book. (I'll try to remember to bring it to our next class so you can see it.)

Thanks to Josh for the link.

A new view

Things were getting a little longwinded here on the front page, so I changed the archive settings so you'll be viewing just two days' worth of posts at a time. You can go back and read earlier posts at any time by using the "Previous Posts" or "Previous Weeks" links in the bottom of the sidebar.

DEMO: Making your mock book

Since you guys are using MSWord for this first project, I'll be talking specifically about that application. (It's a challenge, compared to Quark or InDesign or Pagemaker, but it can be done!) All measurements below are in good old American inches.

Making your mock book requires 3 basic steps: 1) formatting your manuscript, 2) estimating your page count, 3) creating a page plan.

You'll need:
* Your manuscript in MSWord
* Several sheets of blank paper
* A pen or pencil

Remember: We are not making the actual layout yet, just formatting to get an accurate page count and figuring out where everything needs to go in the layout. An essential step! Also, this page plan is for the interior of your book only. We'll do the cover separately later on (since you'll be printing it separately on different stock.)

Formatting your manscript

Now that you've determined exactly what you're putting into your zine or book, put all of your text into one MSWord document and style it--put it in the fonts and point sizes you've selected. Now's also the time to think about paragraph spacing (single-spacing or a little more breathing room between lines?).

Next, set the margins in your document so that they mimic the page size you'll be working with. In MSWord, you can manipulate the margins from the Format menu, under Document. In other words...

For a half-letter (aka digest) sized chap like Justin's, the page size in the finished book would be 5.5 x 8.5 (a landscape letter-sized sheet, folded in half). Half-inch margins all the way around would leave you with a 4.5 x 7.5 area for your content. In the finished book, your gutter (the blank area in the center of the book where the inner margins meet) will be 1 inch. That means in a letter-sized MSWord document, you should set your margins as follows:

Top: 1.75 inches
Bottom: 1.75 inches
Left: 2 inches
Right: 2 inches

For a half-legal sized zine like Stephanie's, the page size in the finished mag would be 7 x 8.5 (a landscape legal-sized sheet, folded in half). In this larger format, you'll have a bit more leeway with margins if you want to go larger, so play around if you like. For simplicity's sake, I'll stick with with a .5 margin all the way around in this example. That will result in a 6 x 7.5 area for content (with a 1-inch gutter in the finished book). So in a legal-sized MSWord document, you should set your margins as follows:

Top: 3.25 inches
Bottom: 3.25 inches
Left: 1.25
Right: 1.25

Estimate your page count

Once your text is styled and you have your document margins set to mimic your chosen page size, you should be able to easily estimate about how many pages your content will run. Print your document. If your margins and text and paragraph styling aren't quite how you like them, tinker until you like what you see.

Your printed formatted manuscript should now reflect the page-count of your finished book. (Bear in mind that your MS is a stack of single-sided sheets, and your finished book will have four book pages per double-sided sheet, so your stack is thicker than your finished book will be.)

You'll probably want to add some or all of the following:

Front matter (the term for anything that comes before your first poem or article)
* Title page
* Contact info/copyright page
* Table of contents

* Acknowledgments (these can go up front, in the back, or be combined with the copyright notice)

Back matter (the term for anything that comes after your last poem or article)
* Author bio/contributor notes
* Blank pages

(If your Table of Contents, Contributor Notes, or Acknowledgments threaten to run more than one page, the safest bet would be to format them as you did the rest of your manuscript just to see how long they are when styled the way you want them in the finished book. Otherwise just estimate one page for each.)

ILLUSTRATIONS: For a project like Stephanie's, it's essential to estimate space for illustrations now as well. A simple way to do this would be to collect printed copies of the images you intend to use and place them on sheet with the same margins as the rest of your document, and add the necessary pages to your estimate. If you have the images already digitized, you can go ahead and use the Insert/Picture function of MSWord and put them in the manuscript. You might want to round your page up (see below) to make sure you have extra room to play with later.)

# of formatted MS pages + # of front matter pages + # of back matter pages = Total page count

Creating a page plan, or mock book

I illustrated this step in class last night. Some of you may feel comfortable skipping the steps above and just "eyeballing" your page-count estimate after you've completed your first few projects, but I wouldn't advise ever skipping this step, even after a hundred projects!

Folded booklets like the ones we're making have page-counts that are multiples of 4, because each sheet of paper will contain four book pages: two on side A, two on side B. So round your estimated page count up to the nearest multiple of 4. (18 would need to be 20, 21 becomes 24, etc.)

Now, take your page count and divide it by 4. This will give you the total number of sheets per book.

20 book pages = 5 sheets of paper
36 book pages = 9 sheets of paper
...and so on...

I'm going to use a 12-page book as an example, but the idea is the same for any number of sheets.

12 book pages divided by 4 = 3 sheets of paper

So, I'm going to take 3 sheets, and label each side: A|B would be the front|back of the first sheet, C|D the front|back of the second, E|F the front|back of the third.

Three sheets with labeled front and back (trust me) sides.

Then I'm going to stack sheets A|B, C|D, E|F, with the A, C, E facing up and A on top of C on top of E.

Fold them in half, like a booklet, with A on the outside, where the spine will be.

My labeled sheets, stacked in order and folded, with A on the outside.

Now, starting from the first page of your mock booklet and with your formatted manuscript as your guide, label each page with the title of the piece that should appear there. Title page, copyright page, table of contents, blank, Poem/Article, Poem/Article part 2, etc.

It will look something like this:

My mock booklet pages, labeled with contents. Note that I have indicated "cont'd 2," "cont'd 3" for poems that are running over multiple pages. You'll see why it's necessary when we get to the layout process.

Holding your mock booklet at the spine, flip through it a few times, "read" it for logical arrangement of your front and back matter, and check it against your formatted manuscript again to make sure you've allowed enough space for pieces that run more than one booklet page. Make sure you've allotted space for all the elements you want to see in the interior of your finished product.

When you're sure your mock book accurately reflects the length and arrangment of your finished book, you're ready to use this page plan to create your layout!


July 14, 2005

Copycat the cartoonists

For poets DIY may seem like a new phenomenon (though plenty of our forebears "privately printed" their first books, including Whitman, Pound, & Merrill to name three masculine examples), but for zinesters and especially comix artists, DIY has long been a primary (and preferred) method of publication.

So check out Jessica Abel's terrific Art Babe site for some great info on making & selling comics--and think about ways to adapt her comics-specific advice to your own projects. Her sections on Making Minicomics and Selling Comics will probably be the most useful for you (but it's all good stuff).

Freebie free-for-all

I have some leftover materials that are yours for the asking and some binding and finishing equipment I can bring to class. Please let me know if you'd like to use any of the following supplies for your projects.*

2 saddle staplers with staples
2 three-hole punchers
Small-format paper cutter
Ruler with rotary blade cutter

Card stock
White, 11 x 17. 50 sheets (could be trimmed down, but remember that's extra work!)
Red, 8.5 x 11. 10 full sheets (10 digest-sized books, or 20 quarter books)
Fuse green, 11 x 17. 7 full sheets + various large scraps (could be trimmed for digest-sized covers)

Interior stock
Plain white acid-free paper (500 sheets)

Decorative papers
5 sheets of handmade textured paper in beige
4 sheets of handmade textured paper in dark red
1 large sheet of black "tire tread" textured paper
1 large sheet of gold & silver leaf-print on olive green
1 sheet of recycled printed paper: blue dogs and florals on cream
1 sheet of recycled printed paper: gold florals on dark orange
1 large piece of white paper mesh (This one's hard to describe! I'll bring a swatch.)

Adhesive paper
5 sheets of sticker paper for laser printer, 8.5. x 11 (print & trim to size for use as cover plaques, etc.)

Arcylic yarn
Nothing fancy, just yr basic craft yarn in yellow, orange & black

Might have a few more things. I'll keep looking.

* Apologies to those of you following along, but these supplies are for class members only!

Two-for-one tip

If you plan to use postcards to promote the release of your chapbook or zine, consider purchasing (or acquiring/borrowing/scrounging) extra sheets of your cover stock now to use for that purpose later. It'll save you a trip, and your postcards and cover will resonate nicely. (You can print them at the same time too.)

Week two overview

Here's what we'll be covering in our second class. You can also download the overview as a PDF by clicking here. (UPDATED 10:45 a.m.)

Discussion of content for each project
* Finalized content
* Project title
* Naming your press
* MS preparation
* Feedback/editing (optional)

* Sample chapbooks
* Sample zines
* Cover ideas
* Interior ideas
* Binding ideas

Design & materials
* Cover stocks
..... Card stock
..... Construction paper
..... Plain paper
..... Specialty papers
..... Recycled materials
* Paper stocks
..... Photocopier/printer/typing paper
..... Color printer/copy paper
..... Colored papers
..... Recycled papers
..... Specialty papers
* Binding options
..... Saddle stapled
..... Simple hand stitch
..... Machine stitch
..... Fasteners
..... Band binding
..... Folded options
..... Alternatives to binding
.......... Deck of cards
.......... Envelopes
.......... Folders
..... Extras
.......... Flyleafs
.......... French flaps

* Trim size vs. content considerations
* Fonts & point sizes
* Determining page count
* Making a mock-up
* Paste up
* MS Word
* Quark, InDesign, Pagemaker, etc.
* Templates (to be uploaded to the blog and/or emailed)
* Is anybody planning for interior illustrations?

Print production
* Laser printing
* Photocopying
* 100% DIY or copy shop service?
* Semi-DIY options
.....Cafe Press
* Illustrations: paste up, scanning, digital originals
* Adding color

* MS feedback by early next week for those who’ve opted for it
* Mock-ups made
* Materials ready

July 13, 2005

Why DIY?

Here are two views on the subject, for your reading pleasure.

Brenda Iijima of Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs.

An interview with Buck Downs, of Buck Downs Books.

And here's a site, by an author who left a mainstream publisher behind to strike out on his own and do it himself:

Jim Munroe of No Media Kings.


In a bind

Talas in Soho has all kinds of binding supplies. (Probably more than you need at this point, but still fun to browse.)

Books as art

For some really beautiful examples of handmade books and broadsides, browse the online store of the Center for Book Arts. (Or stop by in person to gasp at their gallery.)