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DIY Poetry Publishing Cooperative

December 03, 2005

Annnouncing: [Redacted] Books

Erica Kaufman has been producing chapbooks via [Redacted] Books for a while now, but just created a website.

[Link removed] and stay tuned for the release of Chris Martin's American Music.

December 01, 2005

Registration now open for Spring Chapbook Workshop

The Chapbook: A Poetry Workshop
Course number NWRW3255
The New School
A 15 session(s). Wed., 6:00-7:50 PM, beg. January 25. $545.00
Open enrollment for noncredit & credit students
Instructor: Shanna Compton

For a number of poets, the chapbook functions as a primary literary unit--serving as the ideal publication outlet for a long poem, themed selection, or interrelated sequence. Chapbooks can provide poets with something to sell or trade at readings, span the gap between (or before) full-length collections, and create an opportunity to extend the creative process into the making of a physical object. In this class, we'll approach the poetry chapbook as a discrete entity, full of innovative possibilities in terms of length, thematic concerns, and aesthetic, looking at the form as both readers and writers. Workshop sessions alternate with discussions of books on the reading list, and as a final project, each student completes a chapbook manuscript. We'll also discuss publishing options, including small presses, specialty printers and book arts studios, DIY production and distribution, and chapbook contests. (3 credits)

Reading list includes recent chapbooks published by Ugly Duckling, Burning Deck, Booklyn, Faux Press, Pressed Wafer, Evil Twin, CyPress, Sardines Press, the Poetry Society of America, New Michigan Press, & other presses.

Register online or by phone, fax, or mail.

November 30, 2005

A Slice of Cherry Pie forthcoming in Summer 2006

The deadline has passed for A Slice of Cherry Pie. Editor Ivy Alvarez will be evaluating all submissions. The anthology will be available in Summer 2006, as a joint production of Ivy's Private Press in the UK version & my own Half Empty/Half Full here in the US.

In the meantime, stay outta the Black Lodge.


Henry Gould goes Lulu!

Click here to read a series of terrific posts (start at the bottom) about Henry Gould deciding to make several of his books available in freshly corrected editions via Lulu.com.

Now available as printed perfect-bound or downloadable-PDF versions at Henry's Lulu store:

Chapel Hill, a memoir trilogy, 158 pp.

Dove Street, a sonnet sequence + selected poems, 90 pp. (2000-2004)

Way Stations: Selected Poems 1985-1997, 139 pp.

The Rose, combining the books The Grassblade Light, July, and Blackstone's Day-Book in a single volume, 531 pp.

Island Road, sonnets & near sonnets, 99 pp.

...and there's more to come. (And you can also read lots of Henry's work and work-in-progress for free over at his blog HGPoetics.)


November 29, 2005

Joe Massey on Among Other Things by Zach Barocas


As Joe points out, the author designed and published the book himself via his own Cultural Society Press--right on.

(And since we're talking about Joe, I should mention he's got a new chapbook. Bramble was recently released by Hot Whiskey Press..)