New from Mooncalf Press: WAYS TO USE LANCE by Brett Evans
I'm sitting here with a large manilla envelope of objects from the streets of New Orleans, sent to me in June by Brett. Let's celebrate that great city together with the poetry here and now.
WAYS TO USE LANCE is a damn fine book, one I'm proud to be publishing, and one you'll be quite happy to own! You would want it no matter the circumstances of the world today or tomorrow." --CAConrad
by Brett Evans
Let’s be straight on this
rod off: it’s the fantasy-
only boys v. reality-maxx
men: whiffenpoof policy v.
grim lak-o-lunch: Can some
one hail the hybrid? Oil pitches
like a Disney girl to juice
your I See Rigor Mortis glasses
into seeing Dick Cheney
move about the log
cabin. Build on the ant mound
with the mini Islam Aint Sexy
flag asprout, the whole thing,
unwanted filth on radio or
television, makes me want to
chain steak to my third legs
and walk through the wolf
pen for thought. This blows.
Go the past tense of Gone,
I want a world and you do
where She Walks Right In
and She Walks Right Out. I :
Unpaid Avalanche Conductor.
"The book is $10, which includes shipping costs. Every penny you send will go to Brett, who is presently displaced with his wife Janine Hayes and their three dogs.
IT'S VERY IMPORTANT to NOT make your check out to Mooncalf Press (I'll just have to mail it back to you).
PLEASE make sure to make it out to CAConrad,
then please mail check (and your address) to:
c/o Mooncalf Press
POBox 22521
Philadelphia, PA 19110
Thank you for your interest in fine poetry."
Mooncalf : A freak. [Mid-16th century. From moon + calf; originally in the meaning of “shapeless fleshy mass in the womb,” thought to be caused by the influence of the moon.]