Foursquare 1.1 is now available!
From editor/publisher Jessica Smith:
FOURSQUARE 1.1 will begin mailing Monday. You can buy a subscription here, or if you're not sure you want to invest the $12, you can buy a single copy of issue 1.1 at Etsy for $4. 1.1 includes work by Elizabeth Treadwell, Shanna Compton [ahem], K. Lorraine Graham, and Linda V. Russo. Cover collage by Elena Siff. FOURSQUARE will feature 4 different female poets every month. The broadzine comes enclosed in an embroidered fabric envelope; my mom and dad helped with this part. I hope to feature female artists who make and design their own fabrics by using their work for the envelopes instead of mass-produced fabrics, but for that to happen I'll need more subscriptions.
FOURSQUAREs will feature work by Juliana Spahr, Maureen Thorson, Brenda Iijima, Jenny Boully, Michelle Detorie, Chris Turnbull, Claire Webb, & T.A. Noonan, with covers handpainted by Chelsea Warren and silkscreened fabrics by other women artists.
Free poetry--for FREE!--from Bill Allegrezza & DusieWilliam Allegrezza's
Ishmael Among the Bushes is available from
Dusie as a free PDF, or you can write to
Bill to see if he has any printed copies left. Bill's also got a new book called
In the Weaver's Valley, just out from Blue Lion Books. It's POD and available via Cafe Press
here. (Blue Lion Books is new to me, & it seems they specialize in poetry weighing in at 200 pp. plus. Check out the rest of their chunky offerings
Kenning Editions recently released their first perfect-bound book! Jesse Seldess's Who Opens was designed by Jeff Clark (a.k.a.
Quemadura) & is now available from
SPD. Editor/publisher Patrick Durgin has put his
Kenning poetry newsletter aside to make way for more books, chapbooks, broadsides & other poetikal ephemera. Here's a
review of Who Opens at the A Tonalist blog, & Chicago Postmodern Poetry offers
this interview with the author.
The fruits of NaPoWriMo are juicy & variously colored!Maureen Thorson (our fearless NaPoWriMo leader) collected one poem each from several April participants for this handbound chapbook, which was distributed gratis to the poets as a keepsake for our strenuous poetic strivings in Spring 2006. Rock. (Not sure if extras are available, but you might try
Reen at
Big Game Books to see.)
Joshua Corey's Compostition Marble from Pavement Saw Press Originally titled
Composition Marble, a felicitous error redubbed this new book to the
author's liking. Though the chap's not yet available through the
Pavement Saw online store, it should show up there any day now, so keep yer peepers peeled.
Am I missing something?I don't doubt it. You energetic kids are a challenge to keep up with. Shoot me an email, & as always, I'm happy to post links to reviews, interviews, articles, site, catalogs, etc., or hey, why not send me an original review of something you've read lately?
Labels: Big Game Books, Dusie, new releases, POD/Print on Demand