Cy Press & Transmission: Two new chaps by Brandon Brown

"Hello" from Memoirs of My Nervous Illness
To order your copy of Brandon Brown's Memoirs from My Nervous Illness from Cy Press, send check or money order for $7 to the address here.

This is the second chapbook to be released from TRANSMISSION and is printed in an edition of 150 copies. 908 - 1078 is 20 pages, letterhalf in size, staple-bound, and printed on linen paper.
You can purchase 908 - 1078 by Brandon Brown for $3.50 thru the PayPal button here.
From the poet: 908 – 1078 represents a literal translation of the last 170 lines of the ancient tragedy The Persians by Aeschylus.
Tags: Cy Press, Transmission Press
Labels: new releases
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