Laurel Snyder interviewed me a couple of weeks ago in Atlanta, where we talked about DIY publishing vs. traditional publishing, small-press distribution, and poets as publishers, among other things. You can listen in or download the podcast at MiPo Radio
By DIY publishing, do you mean "Do-It-Yourself" publishing? Like, or cafepress, or something else?
Anonymous Poet, at 7:46 PM
Hi there. Not sure how to address you. :)
Yeah, I'd consider Lulu and Cafe Press DIY or semi-DIY. What I am advocating is authors taking (more) direct responsibility for the
publishing, making and marketing of their books and other work, extending poetry beyond just writing the poems. Lulu and Cafe Press provide one kind of path. It's about time, in my opinion, poets embrace the available technology (such as desktop publishing, semiDIY deals like Lulu, etc.) and quit boohooing about the state of the industry, which after all is a business, and like all business cares only about money, not "art." Poetry blogs are another vital DIY option, and I'm as thrilled as anybody they've caught on.
Do you have a DIY publication? I'd be happy to list it and link it up here. I'm also always looking for reviews of other DIY publications, though in that case, I really prefer them to be mostly positive, since the site is intended to boost the trend, you know?
Thanks for your note.
shanna, at 12:04 AM
Thanks for the interesting response.
No. I don't have a DIY book, as of now. What you think? Would anyone pay $10-15 to read a volume of my work? Stop by my site some time and check it out. . . It's the closest thing that I have to a DIY anything. There is a sampling of poems and an archive on the right column. It would be nice to see you stop by and get some feedback.
Thanks and have fun promoting your stuff!
Anonymous Poet, at 8:38 PM
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