Announcing Big Game Books!

Maureen Thorson has been publishing her own chapbooks under her Hermosa Neutron imprint for the last couple of years (and I'm lucky to have collected them all so far!), but she's expanding her operation to include books by other writers. Hooray!
Sez Maureen: "Big Game Books is an itty teeny tiny press dedicated to poems, poetry, and poeting. We also like handmade things and playing with glue and needles. [...] I've been publishing tiny editions of chapbooks of my own work for a while now, and I think it's time to expand. Bigger editions, other names, the whole poetic kit-n-caboodle! The whole song-and-dance! The whole enormous-n-gooey enchilada. Smell the poems! Delish!
Current projects include a handbound hardcover edition of The Secret History, by Procopius of Caesarea, (whom Maureen dubs "the Grampa Simpson of Byzantium") and Villanelles are Retarded, by Shafer Hall and Maureen Thorson.
Check out Big Game Books and visit the site often. Small print-runs require quick clicking!
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