New! Shiny new newness!

Where Elsewhere #1 juxtaposed images and text from a sojourn in Japan, #2 combines the sights and signage of Coney Island with a poem by Nada Gordon: "All images seen on a walk up Coney Island Avenue from Brighton Beach to Kensington. 'Coney Island Avenue' by Nada Gordon, modeled on Frank O'Hara's 'Second Avenue,' [was] written from notes take on a busride going down Coney Island Avenue in the opposite direction."
The resulting jumble and tumble of images and words in Elsewhere #2--most of the images also contain words--creates a visual/verbal riot that really does capture the feeling of Coney Island, where the subway meets the sea and multiple languages and cultures and styles camp and cavort at a beachfront carnival, and the tide rolls in and out, lapping at thousands of ankles. SOAK IT UP. Frank O'Hara can certainly be heard here, but Nada's leaps are (as always) fabulous in the extreme. Across a triptych of images cropped into panels from a single view of a hat shop's roofline and facade run the lines
Welcome to the age of independence in a leopard dress
and orchid nails. Big! White! Jackie O glasses!
Kish Koosh playgroup, the bamboo veils of intemperence
flapping down with tigerish yaps over the one & only
Sahara Restaurant by the World of Doors.
1-800-Cultural Collision. [...]
You know you want one.
Here's a review by Allen Bramhall.
Here's another by Maureen Thorson.

I don't have this one yet, so I can't review it, but Brian says the book was 6 years in the making and credits Tim Davis with the portrait (what better word) of this little urban flower on the cover.
What Is Said to the Poet Concerning Flowers
Factory School. 2006. 148 pages, perfect bound, 6.5x9.
ISBN: 1-60001-048-2
$14 / $12 direct order
or via SPD
From Factory School: "Collecting poems from the past six years, What Is Said to the Poet Concerning Flowers is Stefans' most ambitious book to date. Includes the successful chapbooks The Window Ordered to be Made, Jai lai for Autocrats and Cull. What Does It Matter?, a chapbook published in England in 2005, is a long sequence that updates Ezra Pound's Hugh Selwyn Mauberley by 100 years, several wars and with a change of neighborhood (London for Williamsburg, Brooklyn)."
BKS adds: "There are no blurbs but, uh, John Crowe Ransom says it’s good, and good for you."
Pirooz Kalayeh has a new DIY comic book too, Why Do Men Do Stupid Things for Ass (an age-old question, no?).
He promises "A Book. An Ass. A Vision. Come join the author as he deciphers the pyramids, discovers how to be an open door, and finds true love. A comic without parallel. It just might answer the question. It might even be multiorgasmic."
I guess there's only one way to test these claims for truth-in-advertising: click here.

Bettie & the Poets includes the poetical visages of Amy King, April Carter-Grant, David Lehman, Lorna Dee Cervantes, Diego Quiros, Tony Tost, Robert Creeley, Charles Jensen, Dave Ruslander, Eduardo Corral, John Korn, and Charles Bukowski, and those're Bettie Page's sweetcheeks on the cover.
Available via Lulu.
AND Didi also announces Ocho #1, a new print companion to MiPOesias. Contributors include John Korn, Jenni Russell, Jack Anders, Helm Filipowitsch, Ron Androla, Pris Campbell, Laurel K. Dodge, Amy King & Tom Blessing. It's also available from Lulu.

The Cultural Society has been updated, says Joe Massey:
Check out the "texts" section for two new poems by me (riffing on paintings by Wendy Heldmann); and poems and prose from Joel Bettridge, Norman Finkelstein, Michael Heller, Philip Jenks, Burt Kimmelman, Robert Murphy, Michael Prasil, James Robinson, and Tyrone Williams. I also provided the "picks" for this update.
No, that's not everything. But--whew!--it's all I have time for this morning. Please check back later this week for more.
Labels: Lulu, new releases
Thanks for the update, Shanna. I just want to call attention to how many men v. women are on this update. While I'm not sure who's fault that is or what's the best way of solving the problem, it makes this discussion all the more relevant.
Also, Pirooz's book is way funny.
Jessica Smith, at 10:16 AM
it's actually just a partial update, but it's pretty even--didi with two announcements, nada as the writer of elsewhere, maureen and i both reviewing same. i just post stuff in the order spotted, basically. (i haven't actually seen pirooz's book, but he asked me to announce its availabillity.)
or, did you mean the cultural society update?
i posted and then deleted re: the all-male beach reading recommendations of the village voice the other day. i just didn't feel like getting into it. it does make me feel like a nag. (maybe The Nag is traditionally female for good reason.)
i hadn't seen yr thread over there till now, somehow.
shanna, at 10:59 AM
When I posted my last update (I edit the CultSoc website), I wondered myself @ the lack of women.
I don't receive much work by women, though when I do, I tend to get it in waves: Pam Rehm, Stacy Szymaczek, & Jen Tynes, for example, have all been (or are) notable (by virtue of their work) & variously consistent contributors, to say nothing of Faye George, Pura López-Colomé (submitted & translated by Jason Stumpf) or the others I've been able to work w/over the years. Their contributions have served the site & its readers well by bringing what strike me as distinctly feminine (I don't mean ribbons & bows; I mean authorial vantages that distinguish their work from that of any men I've read) & uniquely-voiced poems.
This subject becomes something of a minefield rather quickly: what's to be said of a bias along racial lines? W/o author photos, who wd know what races are represented? I've never met or seen several of my contributors & though I can draw my own conclusions (e.g. Barocas is not usually a name held by non-Sephardim), it's more important to me that the poems meet the quality-standards we've established than that they represent any particular group other than that of poets (or writers or aritsts of any kind).
Which is to say that, for what it's worth, my editorial policy is based on my taste & a commitment to the poets I publish, most of whom are more or less regular contributors of relatively long-standing. I seek diversity, though never (I hope) @ the expense of the contributors & their work. Further, if you're a woman & reading this, send me some poems: cs [at] culturalsociety [dot] org.
In any case, I hope you enjoy the CultSoc.
zbklyn, at 10:37 AM
thanks, zach. i know you do also publish women over there. ;)
jessica and i have talked before about how difficult it is to get submissions from women (um, ourselves included) without specifically soliciting them. i actively recruited women poets for LIT when i was editing there, or sometimes the balance would have been way off. it's a funny thing, and other people have also mentioned it, discussed the whys & wherefores, etc. (in my own case, and i think jessica's (as she's said elsewhere), it's just because i tend to be kind of slow and sporadic about sending things out. i write a lot, but don't necessarily finish everything, so sometimes things just sit around in notebooks until i feel pressured by an invitation (or a guilty feeling) to polish them up.)
anyway, it's interesting.
shanna, at 10:50 AM
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