Coconut 8 has just dropped & features new poems by Amy Gerstler, Melissa Koosmann, Rodrigo Toscano, Sara Veglahn, Max Winter, Julia Cohen, Donald Illich, Jill Alexander Essbaum, Denise Duhamel, Kate Schapira, Ray Succre, Anne Heide, Kaya Oakes, Sandy Florian, Sandra Beasley, Nick Carbo, Becca Klaver, PF Potvin, Dawn Pendergast, Ken Rumble, Eddie Watkins, & Amy King (who contributes this flarfy word salad below).
Giant Cheeto Goes Live       —after Gary Sullivan
My cheeto hurts. Someone cock-blocked
the tiny buzzard with his own
appropriated-cheeto-invert, baked in an oven
only half my size. I'd lub more sauce with that.
He has casualized his instrument, "The Scarf."
He scarfs and scarfs and builds an intestinal
achievement, while the rest of us pee sleep
through the lips of our teeth.
Cheer up, for I am way scared. I am way sacred, I am
way away, crawling that line ever after to sky,
the sun that glows, and a Son calling home.
What if this yellow pain slowly gives way?
What if the burning?
What if the oven eliminates a bird of female non-product?
What if the most boring pulse keeps steady?
What if product placement?
What if changing labia is not a grandma after all?
What if my cheeto burns brighter?
Who will you tell to escape it?
The chalk outline outmodes us all.
        —Amy King
Crack it open.Labels: Coconut